Product Process

  • Workout/Layout as per Drawing.
  • Ordering for Raw material as per Specification/PO.
  • Record/inspection of all incoming materials along with Test certificate.
  • Issue various material for manufacturing activities.
  • Material preparation-Marking, cutting.
  • Assembly/Fitting/Matching
  • Welding/Grinding
  • Testing Leak, PTVT etc
  • Stagewise Inspection/Report
  • Painting as per specification requirement.
  • Packing/Dispatch
  • Monitoring Material consumptions job wise.
  • Maintenance/Preventive maintenance of Plant and equipment.
Delivering Excellence, One Component at a Time

Our Working Process


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Contact Info

Phone number

(456) 789 10 12

(456) 789 10 15

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Address info

1363-1385 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles